We appreciate customer feedback and feedback. If you are not satisfied with the taste of our product, please contact us and we will refund your money.
The following conditions must meet when returning goods to the buyer:
In order to return or change the goods, please contact us first: sales@nutvila.lt and indicate the reasons for the return/change; or fill out an electronic form.
The returned goods must be placed in original, orderly packaging;
The returned goods must be the same equipment as the Buyer receives;
The returned goods must be clean;
The durability date of the returned goods must not expire;
Submit a written request to indicate the desire to repay the money paid by the Buyer or to replace the good quality product; A document confirming the purchase of the goods (invoice, the document confirming the acceptance of the goods).
The seller has the right not to accept the Goods returned by the Buyer if the Buyer does not comply with the procedure for the return of goods specified in Article.
Returning the received product and/or defective product, the Seller undertakes to withdraw such goods and replace them with similar eligible goods.